Tonight at 8 pm Eastern time, Atlas Obscura is offering a one hour virtual tour of the infamous Swan house from the bestselling cultural phenomenon by Stephenie Meyer. St. Helens, Oregon, is home to the filming of the 2008 adaptation of Twilight, and in the past 12 years, it’s become a place for fans of the series to tour the places and spaces that represent the books and film. Specifically, fans have flocked to the home where Bella Swan, series lead character, lived with her father Charlie. When the home went up for sale in 2018, mega fans Amber and Dean Neufield decided to take the plunge and buy it, with the explicit goal of restoring the 1935 house to the glory it saw during filming. They’d seen the home in a behind-the-scenes tour — Amber had been there prior to looking at it for purchase but only on the outside and arranged a peek inside through her realtor — but it wasn’t just the connection to Twilight that made them purchase it; it was also the vintage charm and original characteristics of the period home. It’s been operated as a vacation rental since the couple purchased it, allowing fans of the series to spend the night (or week!) living like the Swans. Good news for fans who’d love to see the house but haven’t had the chance: you can take a tour tonight from the comfort of your own home. Visit Bella’s home for $15 tonight and follow it up with a watch of the film or revisit the novel that inspired it all. Highlights of the tour will, of course, be the table where Charlie dined, the lookout room where Bella sees Edward parked outside her home, the Jacob Black guest room, and more. Tickets are available via EventBright, but hurry before you miss the chance!

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