Do you wish you had more time to read? Try listening to the audiobook! Penguin Random House Audio publishes a variety of titles – from bestselling novels to nonfiction books — that can be consumed without interrupting your daily routine. Visit for great listening suggestions while you craft, garden, exercise, cook, or travel for business or on a family road trip That’s it for the third edition of Persist! It was so great to chat with the many readers who showed up for our feminist book club (hosted entirely on Instagram Live!). We read and discussed Headscarves and Hymens by Mona Eltahawy, with over 500 people joining every week to chat about religious fundamentalism and the rights of girls and women in the Middle East.

We’ll be back next quarter on December 20th for the next book! Our Editorial Operations Manager Jenn Northington will be hosting our next book club, and she’s picked Camille Dungy’s Guidebook to Relative Strangers.

Keep an eye on our Instagram account for the time of the chat, and for the chat schedule. See you back in December!

Thanks for Joining Us for the Third Edition of Persist  a Feminist Book Club  - 10Thanks for Joining Us for the Third Edition of Persist  a Feminist Book Club  - 38Thanks for Joining Us for the Third Edition of Persist  a Feminist Book Club  - 20