Needless to say, I’ve collected a trove of random facts about the Caped Crusader over my decades of fandom. After more than 80 years of publication, multiple movies, TV shows, and video games, Batman has been through a lot. His rogues gallery is wide and deep. His adventures with the Justice League and Outsiders have taken him all over the DC Universe. He’s even had crossovers! Big battles, deep character moments, and absolutely ridiculous experiences are everywhere. How did you do? Are you a connoisseur of the Caped Crusader? Did you at least have a laugh? Did I make it too easy? I did, didn’t I? Or maybe that was all part of my master plan, keep you distracted by my silly quiz while I knock out that Arkham Asylum guard. See you soon.

The Truths and the Lies

Lies marked with a * Batman once sat on Metron’s Mobius Chair and briefly became the New God of Knowledge. *Clad in Wonder Woman’s bracers and tiara, Batman once branded the Lasso of Truth like he was born to it. Batman’s favorite online username for chat rooms and social media? JohnDoe297. *Batman’s luxury yacht, for his leisure days, is called Jokey McStupidface. *The giant penny in the Batcave is the result of a run-in with Lincoln Pennyworth, Alfred’s estranged, homicidal son. The Batcave’s mechanical T-Rex became a trophy after Batman defeated it in Murray Hart’s “Dinosaur Island” theme park. On Earth 2, Helena Wayne is Huntress and the daughter of Batman and Catwoman. *On yet another Earth, Chris Wayne is a rabid Batman fan who eventually puts on a costume-store cape and cowl, and immediately plunges to his death after trying to use a bungie cord as a grappling hook. The Batmobile that appeared in the 1960s TV series was based on a prototype Lincoln Futura, though with the engine and transmission from a Ford Galaxy. *For the car in The Batman, producers left a Dodge Challenger out long enough for thieves to strip it. They then painted it black, tossed in a giant engine, and fueled it with brooding stares from Robert Pattinson. *Before Harvey Dent, the original Two-Face was named Harvey Kent. There was a whole backstory with being the non-super brother to Clark driving him mad. Condiment Man is an actual Batman villain. His real name is Mitchell Mayo. He shoots condiments. Paul Dini was paid to write that. In the ’90s, DC and Image Comics teamed up to bring us Batman/Spawn. And Spawn/Batman. Each company just wrote and published their own story rather than share. *Also in the ’90s, Batman took on the entire WildStorm universe, incapacitating and eventually becoming king of all that Jim Lee had created. Batman has beaten Darkseid in single combat. *Batman has beaten Deathstroke in single combat. Jace Fox, son of Lucius Fox, rides a motorcycle and patrols the streets of New York City as Batman. Tired of humanity’s bull$#!, Superman spent a month in the cape and cowl just to see how many villains would pee themselves at the sight of a Kryptonian Batman. A recent story featured a Batman from another Earth who was twisted and corrupted by Joker: The Batman Who Laughs. *In Condiment King’s greatest comeback, he worked with Mad Hatter to alter Batman’s perceptions. Instead of Batarangs, Batman threw ketchup packets at his enemies for an entire week. Later in the ’60s, Bruce Wayne was elected to the U.S. Senate, like Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, but a billionaire. This even led to a brief stint as ambassador to a nebulous South American country. *More recently, Bruce Wayne has been leading a support group for former henchmen brutalized by Batman. It’s his way of giving back during the day while still breaking kneecaps at night.

Batman  Two Truths and a Lie   The Quiz - 74