Please understand, dear reader, that these rankings are scientific and, as it says in the title, not at all biased. I should also say that this list isn’t as diverse as I would like, but that will hopefully change in the future. And there you have it: a surprise ending (but not as surprising as Lizzie Bennet practicing archery, Aldous). No portrayal of Mister Fitzwilliam Darcy can earn a full 30 points because none of them will ever measure up to the Mr. Darcy in our heads, but these nine gentlemen all did a spectacular job and deserve our thanks for providing us with such lively entertainment. Total Score: 17/30 Total Score: 18/30 Total Score: 18.5/30 Total Score: 20.5/30 Total Score: 21.5/30 Total Score: 23.5/30 Total Score: 23.5/30 Total Score: 26/30 Total Score: 26.5/30 Total Score: 27.5/30

An Extremely Scientific and Not At All Biased Ranking of the Misters Darcy - 57An Extremely Scientific and Not At All Biased Ranking of the Misters Darcy - 36An Extremely Scientific and Not At All Biased Ranking of the Misters Darcy - 82An Extremely Scientific and Not At All Biased Ranking of the Misters Darcy - 23An Extremely Scientific and Not At All Biased Ranking of the Misters Darcy - 53An Extremely Scientific and Not At All Biased Ranking of the Misters Darcy - 84An Extremely Scientific and Not At All Biased Ranking of the Misters Darcy - 88An Extremely Scientific and Not At All Biased Ranking of the Misters Darcy - 8An Extremely Scientific and Not At All Biased Ranking of the Misters Darcy - 5An Extremely Scientific and Not At All Biased Ranking of the Misters Darcy - 99